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Search results for: "kites"

The Giant Kites of Guatemala

Here’s your Guatemalan Spanish word of the day: Barriletes for kites. In my humble opinion, Santiago Sacatepequez is the most photogenic location …

Guatemalan Kites For Sale

I remember that when I was a kid my friends and I made these kind of kites from scratch; barriletes we call …

Guatemalan Kites As Decoration

Through October and November you can find many businesses using Guatemalan kites as decoration. Last year I showed you some colorful giant …

The Giant Kites Are Coming

If you are planning to leave Guatemala before November 1, you will certainly miss the Giant Kites of Santiago and Sumpango. You …

The Catcher of the Kites

Soon enough the electric wires become adorned with kites, lots of kites. See kite flying and the Guatemalan electric wire webs just don’t get along. One serves as trap for the other.

Kites On Sale

The Guatemalan word for kite is barrilete. Papalote is the most often heard word in Spanish for kite, but in Guatemala barrilete is what people use. The kites on sale at this convenience store or tienda are Q2/$.25. The kite that the little boy was holding yesterday was bought from this store.

Kites flying over the graveyards of Guatemala

It’s Kite Season in Guatemala

The chilly winds blowing from the true north create the conditions for flying colorful kites over the skyline of Guatemala. Come and …

Typical Guatemalan Kite Shop by Rudy Giron -

Typical Guatemalan Kite Shop

So, here’s a typical Guatemalan kite shop found in most villages. The kites are sold for Q1, Q2, Q5 and Q10 for …

Kite Season Decoration by Rudy Giron -

Kite Season Decoration

The kite season is upon us already so it comes as no surprise to see Guatemalan kites being used as decorations. Through …

The remains of the rain by Rudy Giron -

The remains of the rain

A couple weeks ago I called for the end of the rainy season mistakenly because we had almost ten days without rain. …

Guatemala’s Fiambre

There’s no way to go by Día de Todos Los Santos (All Saints’ Day) and Día de los Fieles Difuntos (All Souls’ …

Guatemalan Sweets Sampler

In Guatemala we celebrate Día de Todos Los Santos (All Saints Day) on November 1 and Día de Los Fieles Difuntos (Day …

Colorful Guatemalan Kite Decorations

Colorful Guatemala, I tell you! It is quite common for businesses to decorate with colorful Guatemalan kites during October and November. Above, …

Strong Winds Are Coming

The “strong winds” begin making their way to Guatemala; Vientos fuertes would say Miguel Ángel Asturias. With the vientos fuertes also appear …

Jocotenango’s Cathedral

Those darn electrical wires! There they are again… getting in the way. ¡Son tan metiches! —MO I agree, but what can I …

Guatemalan Cuisine: Fiambre

How can we go by Dí­a de todos los santos (All Saints’ Day) and Dí­a de los fieles difuntos (All Souls’ Day) …

The Kite Runner

Those of you, who have followed the daily updates of La Antigua Guatemala Daily Photo for a while, would know already how …

Preparing the Flowers for the Dead

By moving from one section of the mercado to another, we find that las floristerí­as (flower shops) are preparing the flower arrangements …

SAT Office in La Antigua Guatemala

Well, you may be wondering what SAT office means. Behind this placid view of this government building hides one of the reason why Guatemala is so poor; a beggar really if we consider that Guatemala begs money for road repairing, road building, new modern national identification card, fertilizers, schools, libraries and the list goes on and on. The picture above is the local office of the Superintendencia de Administración Tributaria, SAT for short and the equivalent of the IRS.

Mickey Mouse Kite

Cross-culturization is happening so fast that Guatemala may seemed foreign to those Guatemalans who have lived a few years outside its borders. Walt Disney figures and just about any comic hero like Spiderman, Superman, Wolverine, et-cetera are being absorbed by the popular culture and mixed with their own traditional icons like kites and parades for town fairs. But this cross-culturization is happening at all levels and not only with U.S. trivial merchandise, but with Mexican culture, music, food, novelas (soap operas), et-cetera. For instance, a few year back, I took a photograph of menu board in Panajachel, Lake Atitlán, which advertised the Desayuno Chapí­n (Guatemalan breakfast) with eggs a la Mexican style

I’m Ready to Fly!

With November come the strong winds (Vientos fuertes would say Miguel Ángel Asturias). With the strong winds come the kites. With the kites come the celebrations of the day of the dead and all saints day. With the day of the dead celebrations comes the fiambre, the food to share with our dead. Stay tune for background information on the kite flying rituals and its me

Guatemalan Cuisine: Fiambre Slideshow

In November 1st and 2nd Guatemala, like many other catholic countries, celebrates the Day of the Dead (Dí­a de los Difuntos) and the All Saints Day (Dí­a de los Santos). The cemeteries, from the most exclusive to the most modest and humble, become overwhelmed with people bringing flowers, crosses, food and even music (sometimes Mariachi music) to their dead relatives.

Requiem for the rain

“Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain.” —Pradip I found two great quotes about the rain at …