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Fresh fruits anywhere in Antigua

Certainly you can find fresh fruit vendors just about anywhere in Antigua Guatemala. No excuses for not getting your two portions of …

© Guatemalan Fruits: Mangostín by Rudy Giron

Guatemalan Fruits: Mangostín

Here are your Spanish words of the day: Mangostán, mangostino, mangostín and mangosto are variations for Mangosteen. The Times They Are A-Changin’ …

© Guatemalan Fruits: Nance by Rudy Giron

Guatemalan Fruits: Nance

The nances are in season in Guatemala now. Nance is the Guatemalan name for Byrsonima crassifolia, found in North America as yellow …

Fresh Tropical Fruits To Go

Everywhere in Guatemala you can find fresh fruit ready to go inside a transparent plastic bag. Often you can can these fruit …

Tropical Fruits for Sale

Even though Antigua Guatemala is located in the Sierra Madre high lands at 1,530 meters above the sea level, that’s above 5,000 …

Fresh Fruits from a Basket

As with the flowers, in Antigua Guatemala we are very fortunate to have fresh fruits all year round. Fresh fruits sold in …

Tropical Fruits Rainbow

In La Antigua Guatemala we are so lucky to have fresh tropical fruits year round to prepare our licuados and smoothies. Since …

Tropical Fruits Guatemalan Breakfast

I guess you can have a breakfast like the one pictured above just about anywhere in the world since these tropical fruits are shipped everywhere now. This breakfast, however, was made from fresh fruits grown and harvested within an hour or so from La Antigua Guatemala; with luck the fruits were picked the day before.

Name All the Tropical Fruits

One of the things I like best about La Antigua Guatemala is its location. One hour or less from Guatemala City and …

Fruits and jelly stand

Here is another fruit stand in Antigua’s market. Most vegetable and fruits stands are owned by Guatemala’s indigenous people. The mayority of …

Mayan Ambulant Vendor Selling Masks in La Antigua Guatemala BY RUDY GIRON

Adapt or Perish

Adapt or perish, now as ever, is nature’s inexorable imperative. — H. G. Wells (1866-1946) I have always admired the speed at …

Fresh fruit ambulant vendors BY RUDY GIRON

Fresh fruit ambulant vendors

In Antigua Guatemala snack time can be quite healthy if you buy fresh fruits or nuts from the ambulant vendors. Of course, you can always hit a tiendita a buy Tortrix [corn chips], Papalinas [potato chips] or Doritos and soda. The choice is yours.

What’s your favorite snack from the options shown in this basket?

Lent Vistas — Alfombras

The processional carpets not only provide beautiful ephemeral art to the eye, often, they also give us the aromas of Lent and …

Guatemalan ponche for Christmas

Guatemalan ponche, fruit punch is the most popular drink for the Christmas season. The fruit punch above was prepared from package from …

Corn, Beans and Light

I enjoy talking to and interviewing the campesinos I encounter on my morning walks on the hills of the skirt of Volcán …

Guatemalan Fruit: Granadilla by Rudy Giron

Guatemalan Fruit: Granadillas

Once again granadillas are in season in Guatemala. As I have mentioned before, granadillas (Passiflora ligularis) are often confused with Maracuya (Passiflora …

Tortilleria and Fruit Stand

¡No pongas todos los huevos en una canasta! Don’t put all your eggs in one basket! Oh the wisdom of idioms do …

Lent Food: Batido Drink

Batido is a fruity drink topped with a powder called pinol, a coarse flour made from ground toasted maize kernels, often in …

Lent Food: Panes con pollo

Panes con pollo or chicken sandwiches are the staple food of velaciones, vigils, along with batido, a drink made from tropical fruits …

Guatemalan Fruit Punch Recipe by Rudy Giron -

Guatemalan Fruit Punch Recipe

Even though you can find ponche, fruit punch, year round in Guatemala and no town fair is missing the stands selling ponche …

Banana or Peach Dessert?

So, what would you like for postre (dessert) today? Here are two choices based on fruits very popular in Guatemala: Bananas and …

Wooden Fruit Handicrafts

With today’s entry we finish the handicrafts from around Antigua Guatemala series. Yes, I bet many of you don’t know we were …

Business In A Basket

The basket business could easily be another series about the ambulant food vendors who make a living selling all kinds food from …

Guatemalan Fruit: Pitayas

Pitahaya season is here! A Pitaya (pronounced /pɨˈtaɪ.ə/) or pitahaya (English pronunciation: /ˌpɪtəˈhaɪ.ə/) is the fruit of several cactus species, most importantly …

Fusion Cuisine Pupusas

Nothing is sacred in the kitchen and fusion is the tendency in vogue. So it comes as no surprise to find new …

Tortillas los tres tiempos

In Guatemala we are lucky to still have vendors who provides us with fresh goods every day. Perhaps, it is the fact …

Carreta 5 by Miguel De León Soto


Guatemala is a country of Desaparecidos (disappeared) and La Antigua Guatemala is not an exception. These colorful and friendly street vendors and …

Breakfasts At Sabe Rico

Sabe Rico Restaurant, Chocolatería & Delicatessen is a great place to have delicious and nutritious breakfasts in La Antigua Guatemala. The range …

Restaurant & Food Overview

RWOrange put together a very comprehensive list of the restaurants and food I have covered in AntiguaDailyPhoto in Chowhound. Here’s the list …

Typical Guatemalan Breakfast

I have shown you the typical Guatemalan breakfast at least three times and each time has been somehow different, how so? Well, …

Theme Day: Red

The making of sawdust carpets, alfombras de aserrín, with its vivid colors and eye-catching patterns are among the most prominent elements of …

Broccoli Heads

Oh, I don’t think I will ever get tired for the abundant fresh produce available in el mercado of La Antigua Guatemala …

Lichas Are Rambutan

A few days ago Susanita was asking herself about rambutan and loquats tropical fruits. Rambutan, or licha as it is known in …

Feria Food: Manzanas encarameladas

These caramelized apples are a good example of the syncretism found in the Guatemalan gastronomy. As Pascu mentioned yesterday, “I find Guatemalan …

Produce Delivery

I know that one can go every day to the mercado, market, in La Antigua Guatemala for fresh produce and that if …

Licuado Culture

Sweet. Refreshing. Natural. Licuados are one of those treats that truly define a Guatemalan experience. The blended fruit drinks can be found …

Day Care

Market day in La Antigua Guatemala is much more than just getting your weekly produce or enjoying a photo moment of local …

Guatemalan Dessert: Coco en Miel

Many Guatemalan desserts are prepared exactly as coco en miel. I believe we already covered the en miel preserves before in Guatemalan …

Mayan Women with Poise

I can’t count the number of times my mother chastised me for slouching throughout my childhood. A few times she even succeeded in convincing me to practice walking with a book on my head so that I might “improve my posture.”

Colorful Guatemala

Colorful Guatemala, I tell you, colorful Guatemala! Si ni los mismos guatemaltecos logramos entender la complejidad cultural en la que vivimos… —Ale …