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City Hall arches 2003-2004

Another shot of the arches in the City Hall (Municipalidad) building. As you can see this was photographed near the end of …

New Closing Time City Ordinances

There is new seismic activity in La Antigua Guatemala’s grapevine. For a while now, I’ve been hearing rumors about new closing times …

Vecino Antigüeño and Visitante Frecuente Parking Stickers

Starting around the second or third week of January, the Municipalidad de La Antigua Guatemala, city hall government, begins extending the “Vecino Antigüeño” [Antiguan Neighbor] and “Visitante Frecuente” [frequent visitor] windshield stickers.

Cups of Light

Exactly one week ago, these cups were fill with light first, then happiness and finally with wine. These cups were used in the inauguration of the new Mayor of La Antigua Guatemala, Dr. Adolfo Vivar of Unión de Nacional de la Esperanza (UNE), and to wave goodbye forever and ever and never again to the former ‘mayor’ Antonio Siliezar; one the worst episodes in La Antigua Guatemala’s City Hall.

Wanted: New Mayor for La Antigua Guatemala

Calzada Santa Lucí­a gets overcrowded with all the stands of the 11 candidates for the La Antigua Guatemala City Hall or Muni as we call it here. They all have their booths, their chants and songs, their promises, their colors, their flyers, their visual and hearing pollution, their trash, et-cetera.


Antigua Declares: #YaBasta

Antigüeños held a smaller symbolic manifestation in front of the Palacio del Ayuntamiento, better known as La Municipalidad, City Hall, to coincide …

Lent season decorations

It’s impossible to miss the Lent, Cuaresma we call it in Spanish, in Antigua Guatemala as you encounter decorations, shrines, carpets, vigils …

Voting Location Desk

As the national general elections are getting closer the Tribunal Supremo Electoral (TSE, Supreme Electoral Tribunal) is making every effort to speed …

Voters Registration Booth

This is an election year in Guatemala and the Tribunal Supremo Electoral (TSE) is rushing to get all potential voters registered and …

Water Matters

Water matters to a lot a people. Now I understand the importance of awareness campaigns like World Water Day, which we discussed …

The Mayor’s Seat

A few days ago several members of Club Fotográfico de Antigua (Antigua’s Photo Club) and I went to the Municipalidad (City Hall) …

Carreta 5 by Miguel De León Soto


Guatemala is a country of Desaparecidos (disappeared) and La Antigua Guatemala is not an exception. These colorful and friendly street vendors and …

Men at Work

The vista cotidiana (quotidian vista) of men working throughout La Antigua Guatemala is more and more refreshing and assuring each day. We …

Antigua’s Biodiesel Project

Antigua Guatemala is full of Quixotes who do not know about impossibles. Alejandro del Valle is such a Quixote who after careful …

New Tile On the Antigua Blocks

With the new administration at La Antigua Guatemala’s City Hall, there have come new regulations and orderliness on the streets of this …

Arches at the Jocotenango Municipalidad

Here is another shot taken at the Municipalidad de Jocotenango which shows its yellow façade and abundance of arches. Jocotenango was the community where workers and artisans (indians) lived in colonial times. Nowadays, Jocotenango still provides residence to many of the workers of La Antigua Guatemala.

Arch-framed Women in Jocotenango

This is very simple image will allow us to play a creative game. Taking the two women as our characters we will write up one of many conceivable dialogues as the interaction between them. This would be similar to what we did in Opposite Ends of Life #2, which you should look at and read to get an idea. The apparent age difference could be used to set the pair as mother and daughter or sisters or simply co-workers of the newly opened Subway; it is up to you. I will submit the first plausible dialogue.

Guatemalan Flags in Banco Industrial

The photo above was taken on August 31st, which was a payday and that is why you see all those people were queuing to get their salary from the banks. Tomorrow, Guatemalans will be queuing again to cast their vote. Also, this was the first time (this year) I noticed the Guatemalan flags that will adorn the buildings through September, which is the independence month. Guatemala’s so called independence from Spain is celebrated on September 15th. Check out the Independence Day Slideshow from last year.

I read recently (I don’t recall where at the moment) that to be truly independent a country must have sufficient wealth as to not have to depend on an outsider (duh!); well, let me break it to you guys, Guatemala has not been an independent country for the last 500 years or so. When I was teenager, I remember reading a Mafalda anthology where Mafalda was reading a history book and all of sudden she screams: You mean we were part of Spain, who the hell had the bright idea of independizarnos (freed us from Spain)! Back then, I laughed so hard at the comic strip, but just now I get the joke. Thanks Quino. 🙁

6-column Façade Mausoleum in San Lázaro Cemetery

When I decided to enter the cemetery of San Lázaro I was expecting a very chaotic cemetery full of the antigüeño color palette with many crypts and above grounds burial chambers and perhaps some mausoleums. Surprise, surprise! The only color was provided by the many flower arrangements, there were mostly mausoleums, some nichos (above grounds crypts) and just a few crypts.

Saint James Day in La Antigua Guatemala

Santiago was a very popular name for the conquistadors to use as they rechristen the new lands of the American continent. If you check the entry for Santiago in Wikipedia, you will there are over 60 cities and towns throught the world that carry that name and that is a very short list since you could probably find about 60 towns with the Santiago name, just in Guatemala. But why was Santiago such a popular name for the Spanish and Portuguese conquistadors?

La Antigua Guatemala’s Webcams

Believe it or not, in over 451 entries or 442 days, which ever way you prefer, not once I have mentioned that there are some public webcams in La Antigua Guatemala that you can use. I found the webcams around La Antigua and Guatemala City over three years ago, but the web site that publish their output was awkward and difficult to use, to say the least. So I pick the output of four webcams that I liked, two for La Antigua Guatemala and two for Guatemala City and put them in a webpage in the Revue Magazine website. There is still the problem that the cameras go offline often, but I have no control over that. Here is the link to the web page that collects the output of the four webcams.

Voters Registration Campaign

A new roller-coaster ride has began in Guatemala: it is once again election year. Guatemala has election every four years. Normally people …

A Place to Rest

Inspired by Pamela’s A Place to Rest, which shows a lovely resting area, I decide to follow up with a resting area …

Police Station building

Arches in the Police and Government Building. This is in the south side of the Central Park. In the north side of …

Theme day: Bright Colours

August 1 marks the opportunity to participate in the theme day of the City Daily Photo community around the world and this …

Guacamaya’s Bright Colours

Tomorrow, August 1, the theme day for the City Daily Photo community will be Bright colours. I figured I get a head …

Spinning tops

Trompo is the Spanish word for spinning top. Here you can see the Guatemalan wooden handicraft version and one of them at …