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Search results for: "music", Page 2

Arch Street Marimba Music

Every Saturday and Sunday the city closes 5a avenida norte, better known as Calle del Arco, to all traffic. Only allowing people …

FICCUA VI: Music from Panama

La Antigua Guatemala’s Central Park is the most often used stage around town for free culture events. In this particular case, the …

Holy Week Precessional Music

The Holy Week in Guatemala is a full five senses overwhelming experience. As you follow the processions all five senses are bombarded …

Clown and music show

This performance was at the atrium of the Compañí­a de Jesús building. This was the house of Bernal Dí­az del Castillo and …

Happy Holidays Wishes from Antigua Daily Photo

The color red is the official color of Nochebuena and Navidad in Guatemala and nothing exemplifies this better than the Pascua plants, poinsettia flowers… TAP to read the entire post and see the full size photo.