Wear it with Pride (Part 4)

Wear it with Pride (Part 4)

I know that Guatemalan Danzas and Bailes Tradicionales are an integral part of the folklore and culture of Guatemala, but I must admit I know very little about them. These traditional dances are so important that many people are documenting, writing and publishing books about them. I happen to know one of them and next time Joel E. Brown, Ph. D. visits Guatemala I will ask him all about them.

In the mean time, please, share with the rest of us whatever you know about these traditional Guatemalan dances.

Here are some words that are part of the vocabulary of Guatemalan Traditional Dances: Rituales y fiestas, trajes y máscaras, Coreologí­a popular and coreografí­as, Morerí­as y mascareros, danza del venado, De toritos, La Conquista, El Rabinal Achí­, Los 24 Diablos, Danza de los mexicanos, Danza de los negritos, Baile de los gigantes, La Paach, et-cetera. We begin by defining or telling what you know about any of those words.

Wear it with Pride (Part 4b)

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