Jardín Antigüeño: Pentas Rosadas

Jardín Antigüeño: Pentas Rosadas

Pentas are among the most beautiful and prolific flowers in jardín antigüeño. In the gardens of La Antigua Guatemala you can be sure to find flowers year round, but not all the flowers blossom all year or at the same time. Pentas are a delightful execption since they have many live bouquets all year round and thus are excellent flowers to put on or near windows. Pentas come in pink, red, purple, white and light violet which provide a nice contrast to their luscious green foliage. Pentas require lots of water and sun.

Source: Guate Flora: Plantas ornamentales más utilizadas en jardínes guatemaltecos (Guate Flora: Ornamental Plants Most Often Used in Guatemalan Gardens).

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