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Portón of La Antigua Guatemala

Here’s your illustrated Spanish word of the day from Antigua Guatemala: Portón or gate, or large door. It’s been a while since …

Doorway into the Raw Past

This week I felt through a rabbit hole, a doorway into the raw textured past of Convento Las Capuchinas. Come back tomorrow …

Another Gate Community Entrance by Rudy Giron

Another Gate Community Entrance

Here’s yet another typical entrance for a gated community around Antigua Guatemala. What do your think about gated communities? Are they a …

Gated Community Entrances by Rudy Giron

Gated Community Entrances

It seems that all the real estate developing around Antigua Guatemala are just gated communities; these are like mushrooms, the spring up …

Colorful Doors: Red

The category of Doors and Windows has always been among the most popular. It seems that people find fascinating many of doorways …

The Gatekeeper

Sometimes the ride from Guate city (la capital) to LAG takes a bit longer than expected and then there is not enough …

Lent Decorations over Doorways

I really like the Lent decorations you find over doorways and windows in La Antigua Guatemala. Lent or Cuaresma in Spanish is …

Valentine’s Day in La Antigua Guatemala

Valentine’s Day in Guatemala is known as El Dí­a del Cariño. Cariño and caress share the same etymology and it means affection. The Day of Affection would be a close translation for El Dí­a del Cariño, thus it is much more than Valentine’s Day because it is the day to show your affection, love and appreciation to your co-workers, neighbors, friends, family, and of course, your girlfriend or girlfriend; whatever the case may be.