Burn The Devil

Rudy Giron: AntiguaDailyPhoto.com &emdash; Burn The Devil

On December 7 at 6pm the burning the devil and the bad spirits in a cleansing ceremony through the purifying power of fire is held in Guatemala. La Antigua Guatemala is one of the few places where you can get together with hundreds of people to burn the devil. The origins of the Quema del Diablo in Guatemala can be traced to colonial times. As I have explained in previous years, the idea for the La quema del diablo celebration is to get rid of the devil, the bad spirits, the bad vibes and anything negative that may interfere with the celebrations of Nacimientos (Nativity Scenes), Posadas (Quest for Shelter [Español/English verses]) and Christmas celebration which begin officially with the Feast for the Virgin of the Immaculate Conception on December 8th.

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