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guatemalan food, Page 2

"© Guatemalan Charbroiled Sausages by Rudy Giron

Guatemalan Charbroiled Sausages

As I have shared with you before, Guatemalans love the grilled meats, especially charbroiled meats. Of course, sausages are a favourite when it comes to charcoal grilled meats. This picture is shows a sampling of morcilla [blood sausage], longaniza [white sausage] and chorizo [red sausage]. The most popular sausages eaten in Guatemala are longanizas and chorizos; they are an integral part of the shuco hot dogs and tortillas con sausages and chirmol. What’s your favourite Guatemalan charbroiled meat?

Guatemalan Food: Tostaditas

Here’s your Guatemalan Spanish word of the day: Tostaditas or mini tostadas It’s been a while since I publish a Guatemalan food …

Guatemalan Diner Food

Here are your three Spanish words of the day: Comida, Comedor, Comensal. Comida can be food as well as cuisine. Comedor is …

Guatemalan Corpus Christi Food by Mercedes Mejicanos

Guatemalan Corpus Christi Food

The Corpus Christi or body of Christ is celebrated the first Thursday of June, first on the cathedrals and then at the …

Guatemalan Cuisine: Pepián

The easiest way to get authentic traditional Guatemalan cuisine is to get a daily menu special at your local diner. For instance, …

The Best Fiambre in the World

I don’t know why the word salad brings all kinds of vegetables to mind. Fiambre is a salad, but it mostly has meats, all kinds: sausages, hams, chicken, sea food, meats pork and beef. It is Domino’s or Pizza Hut that has a meat lover’s pizza with a mere 5 meat. Move over meat lover’s pizza; fiambre has over 25 meats.